Computational fluid dynamics
Fluid mechanics
- External aerodynamics
- Internal flow systems
- Hydrodynamics
- Single and multiphase flow (incl. dispersed two-phase)
Heat transfer
- Fundamental and applied heat transfer.
- Modelling
Industrial heat exchangers
- Air-cooled condensers (mechanical and natural draft)
- Evaporative cooling towers (mechanical and natural draft)
- Hybrid (dry/wet) cooling systems
- Radiant/convective heaters (superheaters, air heaters and finned exchangers)
- Performance testing (laboratory and on-site)
- Modelling and analysis
Thermal energy systems
- Balance of plant studies
- Boilers (sub- and super-critical)
- Component and system modelling
- Axial flow fans
- Compressors
- Gas turbines
- Wind turbines
- Noise measurement and simulation
- Performance testing
- Performance simulation